
【清晰】【九叔作品】世界杯记忆珍藏版mv--《you raise me up》

回复 · 2013-1-16 17:12
回复 · 2013-1-20 00:48
回复 · 2013-1-20 08:04
回复 · 2013-1-20 18:01
回复 · 2013-1-22 12:51
qiny 营长
哈哈,有意思~顶顶 ,继续顶顶。继续顶哦
回复 · 2013-1-25 19:56
i80o6l9n 禁止发言

To build the province's red tourism products line, Ya'an is the key area

Ya'an daily news   in red tourism products line, our province will build, our city and Ganzi, will be included in the key areas.In October 15th at the research of red tourism Sichuan Province Ya'an forum, the Provincial Tourism Bureau, said Zhang Gu, the whole lines of red tourism in the Red Army was the long march road as the main line.
      it is reported,abercrombie france, in our province the focus of planning red tourism area, including a three state in our province, in addition to our city and state of Ganzi, including Liangshan and aba.The red tourism resources in 4 cities the most points will unite, tourism products, tourism as the main line, red line in our province to the market, because the most for the Red Army was the long march route, the theme is "long march".
    &nbsp,hollister; Zhang Gucheng, a lot of red tourism resources in our province, boutique tourist routes may not all be covered, "the main line long march", can only choose the key areas to build.
      on the other hand, the Provincial Tourism Bureau on investigation discovery, our province majority of scenic quality,hollister, and almost all of the red tourism lines coincide,hollister france.
      although the building is red tourism products line, but the red tourism in our province there are about head not worth, market acceptance is not high,doudoune moncler, the Provincial Tourism Bureau hopes to build the boutique tourist routes,hollister pas cher, the development conditions, existing resource conditions and market demand background, the integration of our province tourism resources, the search for new markets for the red tourism in our province, also bring new opportunities for the development of other such as ecological and other types of tourism.
      according to the City Tourism Bureau, the city has a rich red tourism resources, the Red Army Dadu, crossing the Jinshan folder, some of the famous story of the long march of the Red Army on the road, have occurred in Ya'an.
      at present,hollister, the red tourism in our city in Sichuan Province Red Tourism "3 sections, 6 large areas,hollister, 8 red tourism products line, 36 classic red tourism scenic spots" in the development of the overall layout.Among them, Anshunchang, Jinshan folder were included in the "river -- Ganzi area" and "mountain grassland area", and were included in the &quot,abercrombie france;Dadu boutique tourist line" and "mountain grassland tourism products line", Anshunchang, Jinshan folder,hollister, Mengding Mountain -- Baizhang, Tianquan - Lushan red spot on the 36 Red Tourism scenic classic.
    &nbsp,basket isabel marant; vice mayor Tan Xianghong attended the forum.Journalist Jiang Yu   
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WASHINGTON, Jan. 25 (Xinhua) -- The U.S. International Trade Commission (USITC) on Friday initiated four Section 337 investigations involving two kinds of Chinese products. This is the second time in four days that the U.S. government used trade remedy actions.

The first product at issue is protective cases that used for handheld portable electronic devices. The probe is based on a complaint filed by Speculative Product Design, LLC based in California on December 26, 2012, said the USITC in a statement. Shengda Huanqiu Shijie of Shenzhen and another three companies from China were identified as respondents in the investigation
回复 · 2013-1-27 09:55
yytey 禁止发言
就是喜欢你的帖子 没办法

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回复 · 2013-1-29 00:19
感谢楼主分享 ~~~
回复 · 2013-2-2 15:33